
Over five years ago, we officially became a state approved foster family. Michael and I felt called and compelled to provide a safe place for children in need and have provided full time and/or respite care for over 14 children. We are passionate about sharing our journey and guiding others in the many ways they can support foster children.



I received an email reminder today that our 5 year Foster Care License renewal date is approaching and then this sweet picture popped up in memories. I cannot even begin to believe that it has been 5 years since we started this journey. We have to keep our license up to date every year with trainings and paperwork, but this year we have to renew fingerprints, medical notes, and home study requirements. It’s a process, but so worth it because although so much has happened and so much has changed over these past five years, one thing has remained constant… the need for foster families because there are children in need. If ever you have questions about how you can help or get involved, reach out to me!

FOSTER CARE… every child that comes into our home through foster care, breaks our hearts. We are often told that we are “saints,” for fostering and or that these kids are lucky to have us, and while we certainly appreciate these kind words, they are most definitely not the case. The truth is, these kids need a safe place during a time in their lives when all hell has broken loose. They need people to care for and love on them; sometimes for a short time, and occasionally forever. The ultimate goal of foster care is reunification with the family. We always pray for families to be restored. Sadly, sometimes this just isn’t possible. We mourn the loss of a family unit and rejoice when children find their forever family. It can be oh so bittersweet.
The number one thing people say to us, is I don’t know how you do it. I wouldn’t be able to give them back. Through lots of prayer, training, and now real life experience, I can answer with this… I can do it because it’s not about me. I will take on all the heartbreak I can for these babies if it means giving them a safe and loving home in the midst of their chaos. We couldn’t be a foster family if we didn’t have the support of so many around us willing to share their gifts in ways that make us successful. Making meals, providing transportation, tutoring, cleaning services, babysitting, etc, are all ways to make an impact. We are providing respite for two sweet boys while their foster parents are on a trip. They will only be with us for 4 days, and the chances are high that we will might not see them again once they leave. But we will love on them as if they are our own during these next few days and then we will say goodbye.

The fostering world brings with it all kinds of crazy emotions. Today marks six months with our bonus babies. But tomorrow marks our last, as they will be moving on. As my heart 💔 about saying goodbye, I’m also joyful because I am hopeful this new path will bring the love and happiness their lives and hearts so deserve!

Different weekend and a different baby.
This is what respite foster care has come to look like in our home over the past several years. I didn’t even know what respite care meant when we began our foster care journey but now it has become so dear to us because we get to offer respite to foster parents and spend time with some pretty amazing little human beings! We love this little guy, his sister, and their foster family BIG!

God has blessed us with the most amazing biological children (4 of them) and also with some incredible foster children over the past 3 years. We fostered 3 sisters for 17 months before they moved to their forever family where they were adopted last Thanksgiving and were Baptized with my husband and I as their Godparents in April. We then fostered these two cuties (pictured) for 6 months before they moved on. My heart continues to ache for them and I pray daily that they are safe. We had an 11 year old girl move in with us last year, the week before Thanksgiving, and she was with us for two months before reuniting with her family. We fell in love with her. This morning, my nine year old son, said, “Mom, it’s time to foster again.” My heart is with him. I think it’s time too.